Thursday, June 19, 2008

Can I Wear Contact Lenses ?

First thing (and it's going to reassure more than one): contact lenses can be worn at any age, regardless of whether the evolution of the problem of view is complete or not. Some lenses may even hinder the development of myopia, for example. Whether you are 12 years or 16 years, you can wear.

Second thing: if you've already tested the lenses in the past and it did not work, try again your chance today; contact lenses have largely evolved in a few years and can adapt to the majority of eyes , Including a slight case of dry eye.

And finally, the most important thing: you must make an appointment with an ophthalmologist before starting to wear contact lenses, even if you've already had one last week for another reason. This must make measurements and controls vital before giving its approval, including the size and curvature of the eye: without it, your lens is not appropriate. In general, he also explains the basics (save and remove the lenses ...) once you've bought them from your optician or on the Internet at a reduced price. It will conduct further checks to see if the lenses can not shift (adapted to the curvature) and if there is no problem (discomfort, irritation or dryness).

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How Does It Work?

The majority of contact lenses today are composed of a flexible plastic, transparent, hydrophilic (composed mostly of water) and permeable to oxygen.

Their operation is simple: like any lens (microscope, telescope ...), they converge or diverge light, but here is how to correct a problem of view. For example, in myopia, vision is blurred because light rays are focused before the retina. To correct this problem, place a different lens on the eye. The lenses are extremely thin, but their orientation is enough to deflect light and thus correct view.

The contact lenses are now able to correct all the problems of view currents, including several at once. They put on the cornea of the eye but do not affect it, because they are selected by the tear film that maintains and strengthens them. The eye therefore accepts them without any problem, and they remain in place through natural adhesion.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What Is A Contact Lens?

There are several types of contact lenses, adapted to the needs of each person. But we can give characteristics common to all: the lens is round plastic water and permeable to oxygen, a few millimetres, which is positioned on the surface of the eye. The contact lenses are virtually invisible once placed on the eye.

First, there are so-called rigid lenses. This means that lenses are fairly hard to touch. The rigid lenses to correct astigmatism corneal perfection, and can hinder the development of myopia in children. They are advised people living in a dry atmosphere, or with a slight dry eye. However, they are rigid so they are uncomfortable at first and it takes some time to adapt fully. The rigid lenses must be renewed every 12 months to 24 months, and maintained regularly with products.

The new generation is that of soft contact lenses. Totally adapting to the curvature of the eye, no discomfort to the wearer, except in cases of dry eye. They correct almost all sight problems. However, like the rigid lenses, they must interact regularly for the majority and they have a lifespan of between one day and one year. This range is wide: there are daily lenses that do not need any maintenance (you put two in the morning, you throw them in the evening), weekly lenses, monthly lenses ... Personally, I wear soft contact lenses. But again, everything depends on what you advise your ophthalmologist.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Contact Lenses Benefit

Welcome to this blog devoted to contact lenses.

Contact lenses have the same function as glasses (they correct view, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, presbyopia ...) but are distinguished by their tiny size and their quasi-invisibility. There are also cosmetic lenses that change the appearance of the eye.

Millions of people around the world have chosen contact lenses, so why not you?

Use contact lenses (totally invisible) to avoid wearing glasses, often embarrassing, not very practical nor aesthetic. The lenses did not break, did not dismantle, they are not affected by the weather and give you the eyes of your birth: including an unlimited field of vision. They are also widely used by athletes, and major eye problems are better handled by the port of contact lenses.

Why hesitate while lenses are now tiny, ultra-flexible and invisible? You can enjoy superior technology to the glasses of view, therefore, does not deprive you. Contrary to popular belief, the lenses can be worn on any age and are easy to save or remove. No, they do not dry the eye and do not get your eye tired because of contact lenses are simply pieces of plastic flexible hydrophilic that adapt fully to the eye without any discomfort or pain.

This blog, created by a fan of contact lenses, will explain everything about the subject from A to Z. When you have used contact lenses, nothing can make you go back.


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